TLCA Commencement Ceremony

TLCA Commencement Ceremony
5/19/2017, 7:00 PM
Complex MP Auditorium 3301 TLC Way San Angelo,TX

Parents, Seniors, Staff and Community Members,
As TLCA has continued to grow in class size each year, the facility where we hold graduation has to be adjusted to accommodate everyone’s family and friends to celebrate this very special accomplishment and milestone in your child’s life. TLCA administration has decided that the best way to accommodate family and friends is to have the main ceremony in our multi-purpose gymnasium allowing us to utilize the stage and create a wonderful experience for our seniors to be recognized and for their immediate families and close friends to share in this part of their life. Unfortunately, the space requires us to limit the number of individuals in the main auditorium, therefore we are having to begin using a ticket system for the main auditorium until a new venue is acquired.
Each graduating senior will have the opportunity to invite 14 people, via a ticket system, for the main auditorium. Each ticket reserves one chair for the ticket holder. Children will need a ticket, unless the child can comfortably sit in your lap. Seniors who do not need 14 tickets may return their extra tickets that will be placed in a pool where other seniors can request additional tickets until all tickets have been distributed.
Because of this new ticket system and due to the limit of space available in the main auditorium, a second location, the competition gym (which is right next to the main auditorium) will be set up as an overflow. The competition gym/overflow area will have a huge screen with sound set-up for a live feed from the main auditorium. This will allow any other guests to still be a part of the ceremony and this event.
We understand the importance of this major accomplishment for your son and/or daughter and we want everyone to have a wonderful and special experience. We had 50 seniors last year and plan to graduate 67 seniors this year. We realize this is a new concept, but believe it is necessary so every family has equal opportunity to participate.
I hope you understand and can provide us the opportunity to still make this a very special occasion and experience for our graduating class of 2017.

Eric LeJeune
School Director of San Angelo

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