Enrollment Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Enrollment
Q: When is “Intent To Return” for next school year?
Our District will begin Intent To Return as early as Friday, February 28th 2020 at 12 a.m. and it will close at on Friday, March 27th 2020 at 4 p.m.
Q: When Is Open Enrollment for the 2020-2021 School Year?
Applications for new students will be accepted beginning Monday, April 6th 2020 and will close on Friday, April 17th 2020.
Q: How Many Spots Do You Typically Have?
Texas Leadership has experienced much growth every year. This number varies from year-to-year and depends on the number of students who have confirmed their intent to return for the following school year.
Q: Can We Transfer To Texas Leadership During the School Year?
Yes – but, that depends on space availability. We may have a waiting list in your student’s grade level. You will need to fill out an online application and the Registrar will communicate with you on the status of your application. Making the move during the school year can ensure a spot for your student next year.
Q: What Do I Need to Bring With Me to Put In an Application?
Nothing! The good news is that our entire application process is solely online.
Q: Can a Student be Denied Admission?
Based on our Charter, Texas Leadership may exclude students with a documented history of a criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication or discipline problem under TEC Chp. 37, Sub. A under TEC 12.111(s)(6). All new students with a documented history of a criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication or discipline problem under TEC Chp. 37, Sub. A under TEC 12.111(s)(6) will go through an interview process with the campus Principal to determine final admission approval.
Q: How Does The Lottery and Waiting List Process Work?
Faculty and staff member children will have priority placement for openings.
Siblings of current Texas Leadership students are next in priority placement.
If there is more than one sibling needing a spot in a grade, a drawing will be held.
Texas Leadership utilizes a fair, transparent software system that complies with data privacy regulations. This software takes the balance of student names and fills the open positions with completed new student applications. Any remaining student names are put into our wait list.
When an opening occurs in that grade level, the parent of the applicant who is next on the waiting list is notified. You will be contacted immediately via email or by phone and must begin the enrollment process and complete it in a timely manner, or your spot may be forfeited.
Q: What Happens If Not All Of My Children Get In?
First and foremost, Texas Leadership strives to accommodate all of our families. Unfortunately, sometimes one or more of the siblings may end up on a waiting list until we have space for them. Siblings of currently enrolled students do have priority and are moved to the top of the waiting list for placement.
Q: Do You Offer Tours of Your Campuses?
We absolutely do! Please contact the Registrar at the campus you would like to tour and simply set up a time.
If we did not adequately answer your question above, we invite you to either reach out to your respective campus Registrar HERE or to contact Jackie Rogers, District PEIMS Director at (325) 653-3200 x7007